<p>In an apocalyptic world, the population struggles for survival. The world is divided, the majority of the population lives in a dangerous reality where all resources are scarce, committing a crime has stopped being wrong, it is pure survival. A small part of the population managed to escape to a New World, an unknown reality where justice and equality prevail, a better world that for many seems like myth, but only a few can be part of it.</p><p>In a secret location, those who dare have the chance to escape, along the way they encounter challenges and obstacles that will test them, but only the best succeed, you will have this opportunity. You will have 60 minutes to prove that you deserve to survive and secure your freedom. Your senses and abilities will be tested.</p><p>Be brave. How far are you willing to go for a better world?</p>
<ul><li><span style="color: var( --e-global-color-text );">Não recomendado para grávidas e pessoas com mobilidade reduzida </span></li><li>Utilizar Roupa confortável</li></ul><p><br></p>
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